Elevate safety performance
Discover insights into the emerging topics in high-risk environments on the road to high, sustainable safety performance.

“For the very first time in my long career in construction, yesterday a worker approached me, reporting a safety issue and suggesting specific improvements. I always wanted this to happen, and it never happened before”
CCC, Saudi Arabia, Construction Manager
“It’s the modern way of doing health & safety”
Linde Engineering, May 2019
Striving for safety culture excellence
Along with the pressures of improving safety records, reducing incidents, and striving for safety culture excellence, the responsibility of safety within high-risk organizations is an extraordinary challenge.
Research found that a coaching approach adopted by leaders in high-risk working environments had a positive outcome on safety performance.
So how do we move safety culture beyond manuals, instructions, and standard operating procedures, to a people-centred high performance approach?

What is safety performance?
Safety Performance refers to the achievement of desired safety goals, and is the result of the investments we make in our people and our other assets.Impactful safety leadership and a safety-focused inderdependent culture are the keys to a great safety performance.

Building a high-performing safety culture
A high-performance safety culture is one in which people feel genuinly being cared for, to participate in the safety program and demonstrate ownership for their own and others’ safety.
The greatest influencers of an organization’s culture are its leaders: it is their behaviours that create the conditions for performance. Command and control approaches of traditional management show their limitation in low, or plateauing safety performance. This is where Coaching for Safety Performance comes in.
Leaders that can demonstrate genuine care, have non-judgemental learning conversations and hold the belief that their people are the solution will move their teams towards an interdependent safety culture and build the foundation for excellent safety performance.
Sustainable safety excellence
Experiential leadership training delivers behavioural change to leaders and managers that embed sustainable performance, increasing safety awareness and ownership.
Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.
We take you there
Our services have been curated over decades of experience and working directly with industry experts, who live the challenges of high-risk environments every day.
We can help you and your organization meet you where you are to achieve your goals.

Coaching for Safety Performance
Curated with health & safety managers experienced in high-risk working environments, Coaching for Safety Performance is the program that enables individuals to become highly effective leaders in safety through transformational coaching leadership skills.
Our experienced, and highly trained facilitators know how to provide participants with the right tools and motivation to embed a coaching culture and create a sustainable high-performing safety culture.

Safety culture transformation
Make the change happen by complementing transformational leadership development with our support in fully embedding the change in your safety management system.
Our consultants have worked in a range of high-risk industries for decades and have extensive knowledge and understanding of the safety challenges organizations and leaders face. They have the tools and systems to upgrade traditional safety management systems to enable and support a transformational change.