The GROW model
Discover the GROW model: our proprietary goal-setting and problem-solving framework which is leveraged by industry-leading businesses globally, and available for organization-wide licensing.

What is the GROW model?
GROW is the renowned, practical coaching model driven by a powerful coaching philosophy.
This model is used as coaching framework in conversations, meetings and everyday leadership to unlock potential and possibilities.
Our co- founder Sir John Whitmore was one of the originators of the GROW model. Since then, Performance Consultants have spent four decades helping coaches, leaders and organizations learn the transformational coaching approach that the GROW model allows.

A breakthrough framework with a lasting legacy
The GROW model was developed by Sir John Whitmore and his peers in the late 1980s; since then it’s become the definitive goal-setting, problem-solving, and performance-improving framework for organizations worldwide; further immortalized via Whitmore’s seminal ‘Coaching for Performance’ book.Goals, Reality, Options & Will
Explore the breakdown of the GROW model; standing for “Goals”, “Reality”, “Options” and “Will”, it encompasses everything organizations need to optimize performance and culture.

To get the best out of people, we have to believe the best is in there – but how do we know it is, how much is there, and how do we get it out?”

GROW gets “the best out of your people” at scale
GROW Digital™ is our innovative digital learning experience, curated to bring GROW concepts to your entire organization in a scalable, self- paced way.“Any dictator can use GROW. It should not be used in isolation but in conjunction with fundamental coaching skills that make it transformational.“
The GROW model in action
Discover industry proven resources and solutions that help organizations apply GROW into their leadership, performance and culture.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need a licence to use the GROW model?
The GROW model and its associated copyrighted materials are protected by intellectual property rights. To use the original GROW model, co-developed by our founder Sir John Whitmore, you need to obtain a licence from Performance Consultants. To request a licence please use our contact form and someone from our Permissions & Publishing Team will follow up with you. Please include:
– A description of who you are, including your organization’s full name and registered address
– A description of your content
– How you intend to use the content (e.g. in a coaching program, seminar, book, printed or online course materials)
– How long you’ll use the content for
– The audience and number of people who will access the content
– The country or countries in which the content will be used2. When is the GROW model used?
The GROW model is both a renowned coaching tool and a top leadership resource that works across all disciplines and organizational cultures. With its four simple steps, The GROW model can help individuals and organizations meet their goals through focused coaching conversations.
It is necessary to also develop a coaching mindset and authentic coaching behaviours to discover how powerful the GROW model can be. The most important of these is taking a “collaborative” approach rather than a “command and control” approach. Focusing on transformational rather than transactional coaching3. How do leaders use the GROW model with teams?
Leaders can use the GROW model in conversations with individual team members, whole teams, and colleagues.
You can find out how to really unleash individuals’ performance and purpose through our experiential coach training programs.
4. How do organizations use the GROW model?
Organizations incorporate the GROW model into their management processes and leadership models to engage people, inspire great performance and maximize productivity. For this reason, some of the world’s most successful companies including Google teach their managers to use the GROW model.