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Leader qualities needed for a modern CEO

Discover the leader qualities needed for a modern CEO.

– 5 mins read –

What leader qualities do we ask of a 21st century CEO? The Harvard Business Review (HBR) has just issued an article entitled ‘What Leadership Looks Like in Different Cultures’. The article, authored by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Michael Sanger, considers what makes a great leader and focuses on how cultures react to different leadership styles: for example, passive-aggressive leaders are more widely accepted in Indonesia and Malaysia.

With all of the differences, are there similar traits that are desirable?

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Our experience of working with successful leaders shows that they are able to connect with their people at a deeper level. Leaders should have the ability to transform the way employees think and feel, how they behave and respond to challenges, expand their team members’ potential, raise accountability and create powerful shifts in corporate perspective, performance and possibility. Where humility might once have been perceived as weakness in a leader, employees today welcome it as a sign of strong leadership. And they want their leader to be authentic. Alongside this, leader qualities such as courage and adaptability are essential within a changing business landscape that requires rapid responses to global challenges.

Coaching is very much related to how we live in the world – the coaching approach is, in essence, a way of being. In our work to help senior leaders develop the best leadership style, while we are building competencies, in the end we are working with human beings and they should not be taken as just a productive entity. Instead, we work with them to foster the understanding of what is going on inside of themselves, enabling them to become aware of their own self and the world. So that in turn, they envision what they can do for their people as a leader, and they develop the necessary leader qualities to make it possible.

meeting your needs

How can you bring coaching into your organization?

Sir John and his colleagues at Performance Consultants were the first to take coaching into the workplace and coined the term “performance coaching” in the early 1980s. We continue to lead the field in performance improvement through coaching leadership training.

Select one of the options shown. Or get in touch and one of our world-class leadership development consultants will work with you to create a tailored programme that meets your specific needs.

  • Attend a Coaching Course – experience the benefits of coaching first hand. See our Global Training Calendar to find the right course for you
  • Transformational Leader Pathway – learn how to be a leader–coach with a coaching leadership style that creates a culture of high performance for you, your team and entire organization
  • Performance Coach Certification – become a coach or take your coaching skills to the next level so that you can practise transformational leadership coaching
  • Individual Coaching (1:1) – take your leadership to the next level with a tailored, fast-track professional development coaching programme
  • Team Development – unlock the next level of potential in your team with team coaching